Why Your Admin Team is Wasting Half Their Day – and How Zero Base Can Fix It iandouglass | February 27, 2020 Service and administration is a critical component of the business world, whether they’re supporting a manufacturing company or the key team of a services firm.
Why Your Current Lean Solution Isn’t Working iandouglass | February 27, 2020 When Neptune Technology Group decided to embark on a lean enterprise-wide transformation, they had several lean initiatives underway.
Training Within Industry and Standardized Work iandouglass | February 27, 2020 Standardized Work is a people-focused tool designed to document work functions performed in a repeatable sequence, which are agreed…
Incito Consulting: The Toyota Kata iandouglass | February 27, 2020 As organizations design and deploy their internal Lean Enterprise business systems, it is imperative that they focus on making continuous improvement part of everyone’s daily work.
The Lean CEO: Executive Leadership Training from Incito iandouglass | February 27, 2020 True executive leadership is hard to define, yet more than any other factor, it’s crucial to the success of any organization.
Lean Manufacturing Consulting from Incito: Better Processes for Better Production iandouglass | February 27, 2020 Manufacturing is precision. It’s power. It’s pulling together disparate parts to create something that lasts.