
Incito Consulting for the Automotive Industry

In the next decade, cars will change more than they have in the first century of their existence. We’re moving toward cars that are driven by software: more connected, smarter, and part of our integrated mobile lifestyle.

Gas pump

Incito Consulting for the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is going through a period of rapid transformation. In the next decade, cars will change more than they have in the first century of their existence. We’re moving toward cars that are driven by software: more connected, smarter, and part of our integrated mobile lifestyle.

As the automobile becomes more autonomous, the car will be a place to work, to shop, and to play. The opportunities for aftermarket sales to software-connected cars are changing the economic incentives for manufacturers and dealers alike, and as self-driving cars become a reality, everything we thought we knew about how the automotive world works is going to change.

What kinds of companies are leading this transition? The kind of companies that have institutional knowledge of the automotive world but understand enterprise transformation like a tech startup. Changes in automotive used to be slow and steady: now they’re moving at the speed of technology. To be a leader, manufacturers and Tier-1 automotive suppliers have to move just as fast.

That requires a lean transformation process: a reordering of a system as dramatic as the transition from transmissions to software. In turn, this means OEMs will need a new and flexible approach to design, engineering, and marketing. Competing in the 21st-century takes a transformation of the decision-making process so that speed and agility is as much a priority in the boardroom as it is on the road.

Incito Consulting Group Is Driving the Changes in the Automotive World

The Incito Consulting Group’s Shingo Prize and NAM award-winning senseis have brought the Lean Six Sigma transformational experience to the entire automotive industry, with clients including Ford, GM, Chrysler, BMW, Rolls Royce, and Jaguar. We offer clients solutions based on decades of hands-on experience with the Toyota Production System across North America and Japan.

Our organizational expertise includes implementing lean manufacturing transformations and the Hoshin process. These help streamline decision-making and apply an original data-driven and results-oriented set of techniques toward improving every process.

With Incito, auto manufacturers and Tier-1 suppliers will learn how to:
  • Adapt to the changing technological landscape
  • Implement institutional changes without sacrificing lasting ideals
  • Create a new platform for operating in a data-driven world
  • Learn how to incorporate outside, third-party open-source voices while maintaining all safety standards
  • Lead a changing field instead of being led

There is no question that the automotive world is changing faster than almost anyone had anticipated. It’s becoming a tech industry–but unlike the companies who make smartphones, it is responsible for the safety of billions. This is a daunting challenge, but one that can be met with smart, flexible, adaptive leadership that can see the big picture of a changing world and pay attention to every brake pad with the same amount of clarity.

The road is calling, and you want to stay ahead of the curve. Lean Six Sigma training by Incito can get you there by allowing you to plan the future while giving you the tools to create it. Connect with us today to learn more.

Want to learn more? Schedule a consultation.

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