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Magazine: Executive Function Magazine

What priorities should all businesses have to be successful?

By breaking down goals into shorter and more manageable tasks, executives will remain focused on the most important aspects of their jobs. Long-term success is crucial for CEOs, and it’s essential to consider the company’s larger picture when making decisions. Executives should review the company’s strategic plan on a regular basis to stay on track.

Article: Minority Business Entrepreneur

How a Company Benefits from Proper Criticism

C-suite executives are under tremendous pressure every day they are at work. More often than not, the last thing they want to hear is negative criticism about how they are doing something wrong.

Article: K2 Enterprises

How CEOs Should Handle Negative Feedback

When a corporate board criticizes company performance or a Wall Street analyst issues a heated critique on company stock, executives can listen, learn, and use the feedback to strengthen their company. Whether or not CEOs invite this feedback and how they respond to it are some of the best indicators of their company’s future growth and success.

Article: The Los Angeles Tribune

Izzy Galicia: An Example of Leadership

Boxing can teach a person a lot of life lessons such as discipline, strategy, and anticipating the movements of others. Izzy Galicia, President and CEO of Incito Consulting Group and an internationally known speaker and leadership expert, started his foray into business not in the boardroom, but in the boxing ring.

Article: Modern Retail

Why brands are obsessed with hiring Nike alums for leadership roles

Brands are increasingly looking for members of the leadership team who have knowledge in omnichannel retailing, brand building and tech — qualities that industry experts said are evident in the way Nike runs its business.

Article: Atrium Unlimited

Employee Retention and Training: How to Do Both Well In the New Virtual Environment

The COVID-19 pandemic had a massive ripple effect on workplaces that can continue to be felt today. However, while many businesses have strived to “return to normal,” others have embraced these changes and used them to create a workplace that has allowed them to grow beyond the limitations of a physical office location.