An Overview of Strategic Deployment iandouglass | December 1, 2020 If your company tends to realize growth at or below the market growth rate, it’s likely that you are suffering from a crisis of execution or a crisis of leadership. Either one signals that your business is falling short of its potential.
Is Your Company Ready for Lean? iandouglass | November 10, 2020 You may have done the research on lean leadership and have become intrigued with the idea. But doing your homework on the basics and knowing the right time to invest in lean transformation are two totally different things.
A Look Into Hoshin Kanri iandouglass | November 10, 2020 When you establish your company’s most important customer-driven objectives early on and pinpoint how they impact each member on every level of your workforce, you are in a better position to achieve your most critical business goals efficiently and quickly.
Key Leadership Behaviors in a Lean Organization iandouglass | November 10, 2020 You may very well know that leadership is vital to any organization. But what is meant by a “lead leader” and what makes it different from a regular leader? Lean leadership is a critical – yet often neglected — element in business improvement and management.
How to Start a Lean Transformation iandouglass | August 14, 2020 Looking to embark on a lean program? Don’t fall victim to this common mistake that companies always seem to make: trying to do too much at once. Not only are these “boil the ocean” initiatives costly, tedious and long, they often stall under the weight of their own ambitions.
Lean Manufacturing Principles Explained iandouglass | August 13, 2020 As a business leader, you’ve likely heard of lean manufacturing techniques and how they help companies streamline their processes, reduce waste, cut costs and enhance productivity.