
Lean Supply Chain Examples

Achieving a lean supply chain used to seem like such a horrible task.

Nowadays, through numerous tools, such as kaizen and 5S, as well as others, we’re able to optimize our workflows. Here are some examples of a proper lean supply chain and how it functions.

Simple Shopping Options

Your supply chain ends with the customer. If they find it difficult to purchase your items, particularly through online means, then you’re going to lose out to competitors. The rest of your efforts are wasted if your customers are looking elsewhere; simple options (such as Amazon’s one-click purchase option), helps to determine whether buyers are going to go with you, or the other guys.

Availability of Goods

Companies such as FedEx have immensely changed the way consumers view shipping and package receiving. One excellent example to take from the big companies is perception shipping: this is the act of setting a delivery date that the customer can agree on, and in most cases, also be excited about. These dates do not properly reflect your actual practices.

In your lean, optimal form, your logistics are able to get these packages out even faster, and usually reach the customer before the expected window. This promotes a healthy relationship with your customers. Not only were you able to deliver by the set date, but you were able to exceed those expectations and truly impress them. These slightly longer delivery windows also allow for errors to occur, and give you time to pick up the pace and fix issues, while still keeping your expected delivery window.

The Supply Chain Begins With You

Utilizing proper manufacturing practices and minimizing as many errors as possible, as well as the opportunity for errors to arise, are all important aspects of developing your leadership and workflow processes. It starts from the top down, all the way to the customers.

Your Lean Supply Chain

If you’ve noticed more errors than there should be in your process, or you wish to minimize spending while maximizing revenue, contact us today. Learn how the largest companies on Earth turn their dreams into a lean supply chain, and what we can do to help you get the same results.